Wednesday, January 03, 2007

2006 just pass like a flash. cant believe that its 2007 already. hope this yr will be a better yr for me and i will have better luck and will not lose anything this yr. didnt bother about new year resolution. wats the point of making new yr resolution when u dont bother to keep it. waste of time really.

woke up this mornin or rather this afternoon at 11.30. and then went and use the com to watch finish my show. then went and sort out the holyland pics then went and burn it to a disc. the afternoon pass very slow maybe because i was doing nothing but slacking in front of the com.

gg to uncle daniel wake later. saddening. but on the bright side, its the end of his suffering. may he rest in peace and be able to see god in heaven.

gg to look for job tmr with nat, wish me luck! so needa to get a job. cant carrying on rotting. hope that lots of jobs available.



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