Monday, December 01, 2008

when life get too bored in class
when i run out of websites to read and look at
i turn to blogging

my way of entertainment.

blogging is like talking to myself.

anw, im having dietary supplement class now, and class is going to end early today cos the teacher got a meeting, i hope she'll have more meeting to attend in time to come.

30 more days to 2009
24 more days to christmas
13 more days to holiday!

cant wait.

the year is coming to an end and im going to learn what my good friend do, im gg to sit down, look at my phonebook in my phone and delete those names that i do not know who they are cos the chances of them contacting me is 1 out of a million, and isnt there a chinese sayin that "old one don't go, new one wont be able to come" so i shall do it, but this 'deleting off contacts' is quite good, cos when i look at my phonebook last year, i seriously dont remember quite a number of them and no matter how hard i think, i still cant remember who they are.

the lesson is still going on, and im getting quite bored.

anw, i was watching the last one standing on dvd. which is quite nice, roger kwok is evil there!but i think the story line is quite good although im only on the 6 or 7 ep, i cant remember.

i think my memory is failing...

and i haven figure out how to fix my tagboard to make the words appear! ahhhhh!!!!!

and im so bored now that im actually paragraphing my sentences.

and if you read till here, you will realise that im starting to crap. and you must be bored too! :) haha


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