Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007

went to tp for lunch with parents after mass and saw adele there with her family too. then went to the NTUC and there she was also. went home and tried the recipe that wei lin gave me for french style baked potato. and it turn out nice! yummy!
Friday, August 24, 2007
first day of holiday
and so tmr is the weekend! late night and sleep in! whoppeee! maybe a game of tennis or maybe even squash in the afternoon! depends....
Thursday, August 23, 2007
last day of sch!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

this is what my timetable in my leo look like now with no more continuation of the dates. quite happy to see it as it tells me that my holidae is coming soon!!!!quite bored now. so print screen to get my timetable and post it on blog.
anw, today is the last day for my communication module.played games the whole day. first was treasure hunt which my group organize then some water game in the swimming pool where we are suppose to bite the apple and all. nxt was some basketball and finally the monkey bar game which was quite creative. after sch which was like at 4 went to the care center for tuition session with the pri 6. then took the train back to tp. was too exhausted so i decided to cab back home from tp. reach home and then shower then did my rj.. 300 plus words. haha not that bad. then now im slacking. face is slighty red now due to the exposure to the sun at the swimming pool. hmm..hope it dont hurt that bad. not a big fan of pain.
bought the tv series men in pain from the internet. and im 9 bucks poorer. i so need a job for the hols.
ok.wanna turn in early tonight!
Monday, August 20, 2007
3 post in 1 day this is how bored i am.
hols are coming. and i hope it will be a slow hols cos i wanna enjoy every moment of it. haven plan anything to do during the hols, maybe go and work or maybe just slack at home, but i think working will be a better option cos need so xtra income so that i can support my digusting habit of renting/ buying dramas! argh! i think the amount of drama sets i got at home is enough to open a vcd/dvd shop. tsk tsk tsk.. gweneal gweneal...
ok my show just ended im gg off to bed! good night!
shall leave school at 3 plus todae. then can get back earlier and can slack at home. and i have finish my Rj so i just copy and paste into leo later when it open. whopeeee!!!! haha! tmr dont need to bring laptop to sch tmr! yeah! and we are just playing sports. so its a slack end to the end of sem!
ok shall go back to watching my show.
4 days left to the weekend
anw, im in sch right now and lesson is suppose to be starting soon. but class is quite empty till now. so shall wait.
birthday party at my uncle's place for my cousin yesterdae was not that bad! haha! my 2 small cousins are amusing!esp the younger one. haha! watch mr bean holiday and cinderella 3 yesterdae at their place. cinderella 3 was good! graphics was nice and so was the story line. watch it with my 2 small cousins! then play abit with them and also celebrated my mum's birthday there! left their place at 530 and went to their place at 12 plus after church! there was the PM national day rally which all the channels was showing and resulting in no show to watch at all on tv so i use the com. which proven to be much more entertaining then the speech. haha!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
cant post the picture now, cos blogger dont let. so shall post it another time
wanna go watch my show!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
gotta give tuition later today after sch at the care corner follow by trip down to church for obligation mass at 8pm. hope can make it in time! :) wed tmr! week coming to an end soon. and my show is coming on mon i think! haha....
wanna go watch my show! :)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
ok shall go watch my show! :)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
oh screw it....
in sch now. lesson suppose to start. but theres only so few people in class. haha. new teacher todae! still use to seeing wei wei face on wed morning! oh nvm! haha
got annoyed! someone just cldnt shut up! argh! argh! talk talk talk talk talk talk!! seriously dont you know the word SHUT UP!!!!! and the voice is not at all pleasant! which was y i was even more annoyed! and seriously if nothing good comes out of your mouth just shut up. ARGH! im still annoyed.
anw, makan at my place tmr! super yummy! looking forward to the food! haha! company coming in the afternoon cos apparently they say that they cannot see too many human cos they will DIE. COS THERE IS TOO MANY PEOPLE FIGHTING FOR OXYGEN! my stupid company! haha! but they are coming still.. hahax! get to disturb you! something im looking forward too! haha! im hungry!
im hungry! and lesson is not ending yet! wanna eat!